How to Write Converting Text Ads for Adwords

How to Write Converting Text Ads for AdWords

One of the most critical pieces of the puzzle when it comes to a successful AdWords campaign is your ad copy.  Writing a killer ad won’t just increase your chances of showing up on the top listings; it will also drive in a lot more traffic.

So how do you write effective text ads? Below you’ll discover some of the best tips to follow…

  1. Learn from your competitors

More often than not, killer ads aren’t created overnight. It takes a lot of time and effort to realize what works and what doesn’t. If you want to get it right the first time, it helps to look at your competitor’s PPC campaigns.

They will have no doubt put a lot of effort into their text ads over the years. They’ll have done numerous tests and spent a lot of money figuring out which keywords work best for example. So, carry out a search on the keywords you plan to target and see what your competitors are focusing on. That gives you a great idea of which ones are going to be most effective for you.

  1. Make use of numbers and symbols

One tip you may not have thought of is incorporating numbers and symbols into your ads. These really help your ads stand out from the competition and more effectively catch the eye than a simple block of text.

For example, an ad which contains something along the lines of “Save up to 50% when you buy today,” is going to draw in a lot more visitors than “great prices guaranteed.”

  1. Focus on just one feature

It’s common for businesses to try to advertise all of the key features of a product or service in an ad. After all, the more benefits you list, the more chance customers are going to click on the ad right? Wrong!

There simply isn’t enough space to effectively market all of the benefits of a product in Google AdWords. Instead, focus on the main feature your target audience is likely to be interested in. You could always run several ads, each focusing on different features and figure out which works best for attracting visitors.
Writing killer text ads takes time and effort. The above tips can save you a lot of hard work and help you to get the most out of your PPC campaigns.

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